Tuesday, December 21, 2004


Greetings fellow tennis lovers!

My name is Dr. Glenn Sheiner and , like yourselves, I am a tennis fanatic. And as I always like to say - At least it's a healthy addiction!

This blog is going to be about the tactical side of tennis and specifically club tennis. I hope to explore and investigate the thinking part of this great game. I'll let the other tennis web sites discuss stroke production.

Just so you'll know who I am -- I've been playing for about 30 years now and have reached a pretty good level.
I'm also the author of INSIDER TENNIS STRATEGIES which is an Ebook totally devoted to the tactical side of tennis and which has been sold in 36 countries in just the past 6 months.

Actually you can learn more about my philosophies, and comments by people who've read my stuff, by checking
out the Ebook site for INSIDER TENNIS STRATEGIES .

Next time we'll dive in with a few comments.

Until then,

Glenn Sheiner M.D.

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