Wednesday, February 02, 2005


Serve and volleying lefties are tricky, especially in the ad court.

They pull you wide and unless you hit a really well placed return they have a lot of open court to volley into.

In my last match I was faced with playing one of these guys.

Initially, I started by returning with normal 2-handed backhand but I wasn't happy with the results. So, late in the first set which was on serve, I decided to really move my feet with his slice and then hit a soft slice return right up the line forcing him away from the center of the court.

It worked perfectly . I broke to win the first set and then broke again early and won the second set and the match in straight sets.

Moral of the story as always --keep searching for creative ways to switch patterns into your favor.

Until next time,

Glenn - author of INSIDER TENNIS STRATEGIES The Ebook guaranteed to make you a smarter tennis player and take yout tennis to the next level.